SRS2 workshop

Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of long-range quantum systems

Les Diablerets, 23-28 July 2023

The workshop

The objective of the Short Reseach Stays at the SwissMAP Research Station (SRS2) program is to facilitate the collaboration of small research teams, allowing them to focus on specific projects within the SRS facilities.

Our research focuses on quantum many-body systems with long-range interactions. At the SRS, we plan to study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of long-range quantum systems through theoretical investigations and quantum simulations.

Long-range interacting systems are emerging as promising platforms for quantum technological applications, due to their stability against external perturbations, which allows for keeping the impact of dynamically generated excitations under control.

Topics of the workshop:

  1. Out-of-equilibrium phases and dynamical scalings
  2. Measurement induced transitions and non-Hermitean dynamics
  3. Entanglement and quantum technological applications



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Talk Defenu Talk Zerba Lecture Defenu Talk Solfanelli Strategic roadmap
10:30 11:00 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
Talk Muzzi Talk Pagni Talk Delmonte Talk Arrufat Closing remarks
12:30 14:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:30 16:30 Roundtable discussion Roundtable discussion Group hike Roundtable discussion
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